Source: NATO’s Great New Idea: “Let’s Start a War with China!” | Mises Wire
“Despite the mainstream media and US government propaganda, NATO has been about as successful in Ukraine as it was in Libya. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been flushed away, with massive corruption documented by journalists like Seymour Hersh and others.”
Je krijgt inderdaad vaak die indruk dat het een spelletje is van die zogenaamde neo-cons, vooral van Angelsaksische afkomst en de nodige voornamelijk in West-Europa op topposities geplaatste volksvijanden: laten we eens kijken hoe we China of Rusland nog verder kunnen provoceren.
“So now despite its legacy of failure, NATO has decided to start a conflict with China, perhaps to take attention off its disaster in Ukraine. Last week NATO announced that it will open its first-ever Asia office in Japan. What next, NATO membership for Taiwan? Will Taiwan willingly serve as NATO’s newest “Ukraine”—sacrificing itself to China in the name of blundering NATO’s seemingly endless appetite for conflict?”
ONZE huidige (geld)orde is op sterven na dood, we hebben nu een andere nodig en het geijkte middel is steeds oorlog… -DGZ-