“They want a war, but they also need it because the monetary system is collapsing…They get to default on all this debt which is the real objective. That’s why (Klaus) Schwab is out there saying you’ll own nothing and be happy.
He’s trying to make it sound like they are doing this for you. We are going to default on all debt and relive you of all your debt
This is because they are going to wipe out everything. Pension funds will be all gone. That’s why they are coming out with guaranteed basic income to replace your pension. They’ve got this all worked out. That’s what the end goal is here because they cannot continue to function this way. They cannot continue to borrow whatever they need with no intention of ever paying it back.”
HUN op schulden gebaseerd NIET DUURZAAM geldsysteem is de oorzaak van alle onevenwichtigheden, conflicten en oorlogen waarvan we momenteel getuige zijn. Er zal heel wat vernietigd worden voordat de draad weer enigszins opgepakt kan worden. De inhoud van het artikel en dit commentaar komen steeds weer overeen met de recente commentaren hieronder… -DGZ-