Netherlands Supreme Court Rules They Must Reduce CO2 by 25% by end of 2020!

Source: Netherlands Supreme Court Rules They Must Reduce CO2 by 25% by end of 2020!

The judges in the Supreme Court of Netherlands have made one of the worst decisions possible. In hindsight, the ruling will be the straw that broke the back of the European economy. The judges made their decision based solely on the international human rights law. This absurd ruling fails to consider that even if the Netherlands outlawed cars, manufacture, heating of homes, and the production of electricity from anything but wind or hydroelectric, it will not change the climate of the entire planet. The only outcome is to destroy the economy of the Netherlands.

Het enige resultaat is de vernietiging van de Nederlandse economie.   

“Therefore, this decision in the Netherlands is not likely to prevail in most other jurisdictions. There is certainly no basis for this to be even made in the United States. This merely appears to be another nail in the coffin of the dying European economy.

Wij vertalen dit weer met afbraakbeleid, dat vooral in Duitsland als kernland in Europa al eerder in gang werd gezet… -DGZ-