This Is The Same Pattern The Fed Followed Before The Great Depression

So, if they are aware that the actions they took in the 1920s triggered the Great Depression, why are they following nearly the exact same pattern today?

Source: This Is The Same Pattern The Fed Followed Before The Great Depression

“Essentially what the Fed has done is create an economic time bomb, a sensitive explosive that could be set off by the slightest tremor. Any new geopolitical shock event could trigger this bomb. A No Deal Brexit, a shooting war in Iran, etc. The public will look to these events as the “cause” of the economic crisis, when it was actually the central bank that made it all possible.”

Eén van de voorbeelden waaruit blijkt dat die allesoverkoepelende en overheersende bankenclub, inclusief alle “democratische” handlangers in de vorm van nationale regeringen over enorme criminele energie beschikken: het ontketenen van oorlogen of andere conflicten met als enige doel om de aandacht af te leiden van de ware veroorzakers. Het is steeds hetzelfde machts- en controlespel. De Centrale Banken weten wat er gaat gebeuren, ook al zouden vóór die tijd aandelenkoersen nog stijl omhoog schieten… -DGZ-