Stagflation Builds As US Producer Prices Spike Most In 5 Years | Zero Hedge

For the 3rd month in a row, US Producer Prices have risen at a faster rate than The Fed’s mandate. April healdine PPI rose 2.5% YoY – the most since Feb 2012, and well above the highest anayst estimate, despite disinflationary credit impulse pressures from China being seen in industrial metals. The biggest driver is surging costs for investment advice!

Bron: Stagflation Builds As US Producer Prices Spike Most In 5 Years | Zero Hedge

Mocht die tendens doorzetten mag rekening gehouden worden met aantrekkende grondstofprijzen en “voelbare” geldontwaarding voor de consument. Tot nu toe is men er nog in geslaagd om die ontwaarding om te leiden naar de genoemde bubbel-categorieën… -DGZ-